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Early Signs of Gum Disease

November 22nd,2020

Prevention is better than cure” is a saying more fitting to health, particularly to oral health than anything else. We the team of best dentists at DT Smile Care are completely aware of this and so take all measures to educate our patients on the importance of preventing and detecting problems at the early stages.

Gums play an important role in the oral cavity and without proper care, progressive gum disease can result in loss of jaw bones as well as teeth. It’s possible that in case of gum disease, they progress unnoticed until they are in the last stages. Please continue reading to identify these early warning signs of gum disease.


Healthy gums are pink in colour and firm in texture. If you find your gums red, puffy or swollen, it is definitely an early indicator of gum disease. Although not everyone’s gums are of the same colour, if you find your gums to be redder than what they have been in the past, then you need to consult your dentist.


Gums can bleed while brushing or even otherwise. If gums bleed when you are brushing, either it is an indicator of early Gingivitis (gum disease) or you are brushing hard. The best is to change to a soft brush and brush gently. If still your gum bleeds then you need to see your dentist.


Prolonged bad breadth is another indicator of early gum disease. The presence of plaque, and the bacteria present in the unhealthy gums can affect the whole mouth and can give rise to a very unpleasant odour.


Unhealthy gums tend to lose their attachment and may start receding away from the tooth. Mild recession of gums can be reversed but if it recedes more then it becomes an irreversible damage. Hence recession of gums should be caught early and appropriately treated.


Gum pockets are small spaces that develop between the teeth and the gums which can be diagnosed by your dentist with the help of a special probe. These pockets can become potential areas where food can get lodged and bacteria grow and colonise, resulting in severe gum disease and bone loss. Like gum recession early small gum pockets can be reversed, but if left unattended and if it progresses it becomes irreversible.

Gums together with the bone form the sound and stable foundation for the teeth. Hence it is extremely important to take care of the health of the gums in order to ensure that our teeth last long and function well. Please don’t hesitate to call our team of best dentist in Chennai, if you notice any of these early warning signs of gum disease.

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